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This is latefor me

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caslass | 00:22 Sun 06th Dec 2009 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
O.half has gone to bed, just wondered who is about at this time of the evening / night. I am a bad sleeper, what ever time I go to bed I will be up several times during the night and will get up at 5.30 ish. Any one else have this problem.


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Then maybe I should take over WBM until he is better,or maybe not, I clearly am not in the clique.
I'm just like you Caslass except at 5.30 I am just getting to sleep; trouble is, by the time I manage to get up half the morning is gone. Don't mind in the winter but in summer I love to get up early, it's the best time of day.
I'm just thinking of going to bed but I usually read for an hour or two then fall asleep, wake about 3 - 3.30 and read again til I drop off.
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No its 23.55
Sorry caslas-was taken up with something else.just be yourself -dont think a clique exists I jsut do my own thing anyway.
I sometimes am late but it catches up with me then I sleep until abut 11am -would like a better sleeping pattern.
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Weel according to my clock Jedwardy its now 00.007
Erm got carried away i off course meant 00.07
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hahahahaha -gives a look first :)
come on jed......flash the clique......

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