6 down - you already have the value for B, and S must be <100, so try each possible value and see which one fits the constraints of the equation and grid.
I have done about three-quarters which all fits in nicely, but am having trouble with getting N and C which seems to be my next logical move. Any suggestions? i have 2--13 for 8d but this doesn't seem to give me enough for a definite answer and I only have an 8 in 2nd or 3rd position for 16d.
You should by now have the first 4 digits of 16 down, which together with 8 down allows you to calculate a range for N of 1.1 to 4.25 times C. This allows you to calculate the smallest possible value for C - from there it won't take long to solve C and N simultaneously from these 2 clues.
Hello, I have a completed square and a little message.
I have found those relevant squares. Without giving anything away, any gentle hints if
I should change those numbers into letters?
I am guessing you have found a 3-letter word running diagonally down from cell 16 (which contains a 4) - this is actually a coincidence, but you do need to convert the whole grid into something described by the third word of the message, along the lines you describe.
It was all going so well! If I haven't made a mistake I've got everything except A C F L N but I get a conflict (not an ambiguity) between 7d and 25a. According to my calculations all possibilities of F which I think should end in 5 give 25a ending in 369 which conflicts with 7d. I've got all the logic written down and can't find an error after many re-runs. I've had the most difficulty with J - does it contain 5 digits with 2 the same?
No, F does not end in 5, yes J does have 5 digits, 2 of them the same. I'm not clear exactly where your conflict is clive, as there is no 7 down in this puzzle.
If I remember rightlly, it should be possible to assign a value to F before moving on to Cand N (the latter two can be solved by considering 8d and 16d together - see above)
I have the letters matched to numbers and I'm aware of the ambiguity. I have the message so I understand that I am to find a "first message word" and then "second message word" the "third message word" after having converted the numbers to letters. However, since some of the numbers in the grid aren't squares, the obvious method of conversion doesn't apply, so I've been looking at the last eleven letters in the message - and they remain gobbledygook even after I've tried to decipher them assuming the simplest substitution cipher and a Listener favourite type of cipher using the second and third message words as the key, but to no avail. Does the final step have anything to do with the last eleven letters in the sequence?
Speravi - consider the range of numbers entered in the grid, and the number of letters used in the clues. You have already found the 'order' you require.