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tesco blue stripe products

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zzxxee | 15:33 Sun 06th Dec 2009 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
cheap rubbish or bargins???


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Corned beef pack is good. Tomato sauce is ok. Flour ok. Mushrooms ok. Bread rubbish. Haven't tried any others.
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beans fab
bread rubbish
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blue strip dancing????
Chicken (not from Deli) buy it everyday.Mushrooms,Pasta sauce,Chopped Tomatoes o loads of stuff.Lemonade for 12p a bottle,Sparkling water
Nothing wrong with the stuff especially if your skint.
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what are other supermarket brands like?
I once opened a tin of Tesco Blue Stripe Spaghetti Hoops for my son's tea when he was a boy .........................not a bloody hoop in the can !!
I ended up with a pan of very thin tomato sauce :o)
Loo roll is rubbish , the pine loo cleaner is ok, butter is good but the white bread is yukky
but the wholemeal bread is good...
O yeah -the pine loo cleaner is really good value forgot that one -its just 24p.
Instant custard powder is ok and only about 7p.
had some spare tins all different stuff in my cupboard all own brand stuff ,my friend was a little short one week and i gave it to them ,when he opened a tin of beans it was full of mushroom soup (don't ask how the h3ll they got the labels mixed on them )was too late to phone morrisons as had had them a while so probably alot of folk out there got the same
I havent tried that lankeela but its handy to have in the cupboard.
sliced peaches , rice pudding ,and the jellies well good ...
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i tried blue strip tinned chicken curry not bad on a jacket spud

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