My daughter (24) back living at home after uni and travelling is working full time and paying back student loan as fast as poss has asked for Uggs for Christmas( she has loved them for years and has two pairs already) I said No but she thinks I am joking..
Her temping contract at work was due to finish on 24th Dec and work have got her the Uggs she wants as a leaving present...... Contract now extended to end Jan so she was not going to get boots until then. PANIC as she has birthday in Jan so would be doubly dissapointed. Work are now giving her the Uggs Christmas eve altho she still thinks she is getting them from us......
.So when she arrives home on Christmas eve I am going to look really worried and have an empty Ugg box to hide her Christmas /Birthday present ( a new ipod ) Have never done just one present for both but it's the only way I can budget the ipod.Cant wait to see her face when she thinks that she has nagged me into an identical pair of Uggs. OH thinks I am cruising for a bruising but her sister says that 24 year old will think it's really funny. Sorry to hijack Craft thread but as long as daughter has something silly to open I think she will be pleased.