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its my 29th birthday today

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suzie1 | 20:21 Tue 08th Dec 2009 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
told you yesterday, thank you all for your good wishes yesterday, i had a great day today!!!!!


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happy belated suzie! x
hi suzie, how have you spent your 29th then? Have you had a good day?
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went to work!!!!
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went for a meal last night with husband and kids and today went to mums for tea and mum got me a ring and sis got me a slow cooker {i asked for it}(any good chicken/lamb/veg recipes welcome) and a coat, hubby got me the most cutest card ever, bless him hes a darling......ahh
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hello transplant i didnt mind work, i was so tired i didnt want to leave the house, but i have to work, didnt have much a/leave left so i could have swapped days but i didnt think did i? anyway overalll my 29th birthday was brill!!!thanks to my hubby. mum and sister.
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dont like smoked fish and never tasted mackeral whats it like
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recipe please
Hi Suzie glad you had a fab day !!!

Heres a recipe for you :
Have a drink on me . Now wheres the party !

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How strange -I read it as Hawkes -silly me !!
BTW -suzie -slo cookers are fabulous -you can literally bung any cheap meat in and it comes out as tender as an expensive cut.Plus its lovely coming home to the aroma of cooked food.I use mine for soup everyday and its lush.You will wonder what you did before you had it.
Quote SOH:
"why do the people on that thread keep saying Dawkes? "

There was an impostor who has since been removed (see the 'Answer Removed' notices) so the replies left don't make sense.

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its my 29th birthday today

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