are you able to get some interest free balance transfer credit cards? at least this would mean that your minimum repayments on your credit cards would be paying off more than just interest.
a second job is a good idea - even 2 shifts a week in a pub is �50 a week, in a restaurant you get tips too - its not much but if you put all of that on your credit cards they'll soon start dropping. I did this out of uni and used my pub wages as my 'fun' wages, and my full time pay packet basically all went on bills and debts.
even for just a year it makes quite a dent in that debt.
missed payments can count towards a bad credit rating, but try not to do this again and you should quickly build up better credit.
I wouldn't reccommend going bankrupt, and only consolidate your debts if the interest is going to be less than you are paying now.
good luck