Am I being unreasonable?
OK, I have NO experience of children. None, nada, zilch. I am probably the worst person in the world to be left in charge of a child. I know this.
Anyway, the kids are here tonight. The boy has severe learning difficulties and will only eat pizza or chips. I cooked pizza - apparently it is "too yellow" and he would rather eat chocolate buttons. I am now cooking chips.
For the rest of us, I have cooked chicken in sauce with mashed potatoes (at the daughter's request) and veg. She is sitting there, feeding one pea a time into her mouth with her top lip curled up in disgust. "Is it OK, daughter?" I ask. "S'ok" she snarls. She has been an hour eating a plate of food and I have offered to heat it up on numerous occasions. Her friend called and I refused to let her speak to her until she had finished her dinner. I have turned the TV off because she is more interested in the damn telly than her dinner. I have also told her no dessert unless she eats her main course. Now I am the *** from hell and she hates me and I am not her mum and I am horrible. Well For Funks Sake, I know I am not her bloody mother, but I refuse to send good food to waste because she can't be arsed to eat what I cook. Every time I cook we have this battle. I end up cooking once and then cooking again. If dad cooks its fine. I'll be buggered if I am doing it again tonight - I have work to do. I know I am being damn unreasonable, but sometimes, my patience is really pushed to the limit.
Not really a question just a rant at feeling completely ineffectual at a situation that I just don't know how to deal with.