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What do you do for laughs?

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daffy654 | 15:32 Thu 10th Dec 2009 | ChatterBank
19 Answers

Sick little b@stards. I hope their parents are hanging their heads in shame.


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That's horrible daffy. And we were only talking about fawns & Bambi earlier this afternoon :-(
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i clicked on it and i figured it something do with a dog being hurt by kids? anyway i couldn;t open it i'd get upset. i hate f**ckers who so stuff like this its about the only time i get really angry
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It is awful,it makes me both sad and angry at the same time. ;_;
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It was a newborn fawn mccfluff,not a dog.
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I've not lambasted anyone for wanting to bring back corporal punishment (not that I can remember),I have been in favour of it for quite some time in actual fact.I tend to keep quiet about it though as you just get jumped on by the 'human rights brigade'. Are you sure you haven't got me mixed up with someone else or taken a comment of mine out of context?
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vibra....c' your flag to the you believe in corporal punishment or don't you?

It looks as though it is sometimes yes and sometimes no.

If I got hold of these products of our new found modern society, I would beat the sh1t out of them....and be proud of it. There will be some mothers of these *** who think that are "wonderful"
I've always maintained if anyone can hurt animals they would'nt think twice about inflicting the same treatment on a human being.
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Not always Den... I'd poison a cat who kept cr@pping on my lawn, but wouldn't dream of poisoning a human who did.. (Mind you, I would shoot the dirty bu55er...)
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Salla,you just went down in my estimations :-(
There is no excuse for hurting an animal unless it is savaging someone and you have to hurt it to help the person.
I actually agree with you DEN. If a person can hurt an animal they will hurt a human. The only thing that perhaps stops them hurting humans is fear of being hurt back or being caught by the law. Animals can't fight back so are an easy target. Salla, I am surprised at what you have said.
Sorry, I meant Daffy!!! Old age!!
I'm also surpised and disapointed at Salla too. To poison an animal for pooing in your garden???

As for the link Daffy, I feel sickened, I hate reading stories like this. Beyond me how anyone can do this to any animal.
I really didn't look at the link. I get so upset. It's because animals are completely defenceless and without guile. I actually could physically attack people who are cruel to animals.
sallabananas that is a nasty, nasty thing to say about a poor defensless animal.

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