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Copenhagen Summit - Duuh!

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joggerjayne | 12:00 Sat 19th Dec 2009 | News
3 Answers
Well, that was a waste of time.

Before the Summit, I said that the best contribution the delegates could make to global warming would be to cancel the Summit, and not fly to Copenhagen.

How true that turned out to be.

What a farce !

So ... anyone got any better ideas?


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As the decisions are only made by the US and China the rest of us could have tuned in remotely to watch the proceedings. We got ourselves heard by promising a cut of 42% in emissions and forking out £6bn. Our powers of persuasion have got the rest of the world pledging taxpayers cash.. But IOU's are a con trick and are often defaulted upon as previous ones have shown.

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Copenhagen Summit - Duuh!

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