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Are Lucifer, Satan and the Devil the same entity?

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Stan-Hardy | 00:26 Fri 18th Dec 2009 | Religion & Spirituality
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Lucifer, Satan,the Devil, the tooth fairy, and the equator are all the same entity
Where does Gordon Brown fit in to the equation?
BY JINGO if they're not im going to be royally tripley shafted when i gets to hell!
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Yes. Along with Yhwe, God, Allah, Jehovah, {your deity here}. They are all the

They are all inventions designed to coax the believers attention into a hypnotic state involving the abandonment of responsibility for moral judgement to an unchanging doctrine administered by an oligarchy. The polymorphic deity of the theist religions embodies attitudes like "us and them" ,"truth and evil", "all glory to the believer" "death to the unbeliever" right at thier core.

In their various forms they constitute the universal solution to justifying or explaining anything. There may little worry with trivial form used to explain everything as the "Will of Whomever" but religious beliefs will always influence a persons ability to make sound philosophical judgements. In some cases the inability to reconcile reality with their religous beliefs can lead to psychosis.

We should have grave concerns when the justification for violent action is given as fulfilling the wishes of the deity. The psychosis is clear with "martyrs" blowing themselves to pieces. However religious psychoses will influence the ability to observe reality in an ordinary person.

Take a look around. We are not in the grip of Satan awaiting a new manifestation of a deity to fix everything. We are following the codes of the holy books which show clearly the values of dominance. Morever there are multiple gangs of believers willing to "guard their faith" against any perceived encroachment. A glorious killiing will come leaving only the pure and resolute to live in a lasting peace. Such is the nature if theistic faith. They eagerly await Armageddon.
beso, so you are not a fan of religion the?

Me too!
Although I honestly don't believe in these entities, in Hebrew/Christian mythology the answer is No.

According to The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage, 19th Chapter:
" The Four Princes and Superior Spirits be: Lucifer, Leviatan, Satan, Belial.
The Eight Sub Princes be: Astarot, Magot, Asmodee, Belzebub, Oriens, Paimon, Ariton, Amaimon"

he then lists dozens of spirits under the controld of these.
Text can be found here:
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Are Lucifer, Satan and the Devil the same entity?

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