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stewey | 16:54 Sun 20th Dec 2009 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
"Answer removed"?


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Question Author
That explains it quite well: thanks, Ivan.
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-answer removed-
stewey, you're talking to yourself ;o)
Hi Stewey :0)

Who's Ivan?..............and why are you talking to yourself?
Question Author
Helloooo. I was talking to Ivan somebody and he done got removed:)
Ermmmmm....Was it?..........

Ivan The Engine

Ivan the Terrible

Ivan Lendl

Ivan Campo............ or

Ivan Drago? ( i vill beet you! )
Ivan Headache?
Question Author
Ivan Drano sounds familiar.
Want me to massage you're temples, crafty? x
he's from the USSR...don'tcha know.....
please kojak......(takes knickers off).....
"Ivan Drano sounds familiar."

Was he a plumber or work for Dynorod, stewey?
'(takes knickers off)''

lol... like you were wearing any...
have to kneel in church's draughty...
I'm coming......stay as you are, crafty?.....dont move!

( mumbles......" quickest way to York......move it, bear! )

He means Kojak, but he cant help himself......... as the animal comes out.....boom boom! ( oh, please yourself )

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