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guess what i've done???

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slinky.kate | 14:58 Mon 21st Dec 2009 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
i have sent a xmas card to my policeman neighbour,who keeps taking my disabled parking space,it has PEACE printed on the front,i thought i'd rise above it,have i done the rihjt thing,what would you do,it
is only 8 families live in this cul de sac and i sent xmas cards to all the rest so i thought 'what the hell'


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Shows your the bigger person Kate but sadly from what I remember of your previous posts I don't think he will see the goodness in it. People like that you can do without so I wouldn't worry about it.

Merry Christmas :o)
hope you have reported him 1st lol ,it is an offence after all
its a nice thought slinkykate...but i would have a word with him about his parking habits as well,you know seize the opportunity of it being the season of goodwill and all that,with him being a policeman im sure he will see the error of his parking ways....
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i did report it as i had another argument with him,i raised my voice at him so he put in a complaint to the police and HE REPORTED ME.
''have i done the rihjt thing''

Kind of irrelevant now. He sounds like a right tw@t...
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HE WONT STOP PARKING THER UNTIL ITS LEGAL,which will be in a few months in scotland
Did the word PEACE stand for Park Elsewhere And Clear Exits !
I'd have added the word OFF to the card...
sorry Kate i haven't read your other posts what a tw@t ,just keep taking photos of his car in the parking space even tell him you are going to start videoing it ,that way he cant get you done for filming him without knowledge,
if he think you are going to do this he might just stop
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one sat.afternoon he came out of the house and asked son if he would move our car out of the disabled bay as he had hurt his back at work so he needed the space,(i'm not kidding you)
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redman'i love your PEACE meaning
Hi again Kate :o)

Are you saying that in a few months he won't be able to park there legally? If so then I think it shows you as the bigger person to want to put all this behind you and carry on with a clean slate so to speak esp after all the hassle you have had. Lets hope he can do the same and at least you will be able to park in your designated parking spot.

I have decided this year to only give cards to the neighbours I actually like and who have shown consideration when it comes to parking etc. the others I couldn't care less about so they can naff off! Its the new me! :o)
that is unbelievable ,can you go to your coucellor and tell them about this hopefully they can help make it legal quicker ,by rights if it is a proper disabled space marked on the road then he shouldn't be using it he will know the law and is probably pushing to she how far he can push you . if you don't have written conformation that the space is your please be wary as I'm not to sure that you should be parking there either at moment ,so when you do park there keep your disabled badge in view and hopefully this will be sufficient

best of luck

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hi is my parking space,i enquired,it also says on my letter that it is not illegal to park in it,only courtious;and that the law will be changing soon,it's differant here in scotland
ah i wasn't sure as i know a few people with disabled spaces ,i stay in scotland ,didnt realise it was a courteous thing ,i wouldn't park in one and don't know anyone that would just glad the law is changing here then !,if he is still being an @ss ,just bide your time till the day the law changes and if he parks on that day then you have the last laugh .hopefully the card brings him to his senses (wouldn't hold my breathe though)

Cherry x

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