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NoMercy | 01:30 Tue 22nd Dec 2009 | ChatterBank
23 Answers
I bought a lottery ticket a couple of weeks ago, on behalf of my neighbour down the road. I was meant to deliver it, but forgot. When I checked the numbers the next day, I realised that is was winner (£3.8 million pounds). Should I tell my neighbour... or should I get the funk outta here?


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Hope it all gets sorted quickly for you, Cherry ... x
thanks boo, yeah i read your reply ta :o)
(ive just reckoned my money up and i think it was a twenty i mustve given the girl at the desk, and i mustve had a tenner change, i just didnt notice what was going on at the time. all im hoping for now is that it might win a few quid for my mum and dad for christmas, bless em ... pigs might fly too eh lol)

this is the first time ive posted in this section boo, i didnt realise there were so many unfriendly people in here......

i hope the please sirs and the rest of yous feel good at having called me a liar tonight .... by all means call me a it when i tell one, but please, try and hold your tongues when i havent, like tonight .... im not into liar, infact i detest lies with a passion ... and its its not nice being called one.....

g'night, much love from the troll.
i hope so too jane

hope you have a good christmas ,wish you all the happiness hope you see your bf soon xx

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