and then the IR penalise me for driving what they consider to be a luxury car - so I have to pay even MORE tax...
Its my money that I EARNED.. why can I not spend it on what blimmin car I blimmin well like!
I get up every day - I go to work - I work hard - I have to endure daily barrage of emails, calls and often stupid questions - I go home stressed and tired - and then have to pay all that money in taxes... to help pay for all the cheating politicians to have their houses done up and all the lazy unemployed who cant be bothered to work.
Just been told my paltry bonus in January may be subject to 40% tax as the IR apparently take it as the average and think I am earning much more than I actually am!!!
Think yourself lucky you have a job! I dont as off the end of Jan! Let alone a bonus!
(Well I do but that is only becaue I am one of the last poor people at head office to switch the lights off on the way out as my colleague says!)