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doing well with weight loss

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slinky.kate | 17:00 Thu 05th Nov 2009 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
i have passed my ten per cent weight loss,lost 5 lbs. last night,total=2 stone 7.5lbs,and i feel great


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Yay you well done Kate! xx
Way to go slinky!! How much more do you want to lose?
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still have a long way to go but i'm getting there,thanks everyone for kind words x x x x
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well done kate - dont stand sideways as we soon wont be able to see you
That's great, What is ur weight now and how much are u willing to loose. Try this site may be you will get some tips. Media URL:
Description: A guide to gaining weight in a healthy way. Weight gaining information and tips. How to gain weight. Why and how people gain weight.

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doing well with weight loss

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