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MP3 Player!!

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samie_boo | 20:23 Mon 18th Jul 2005 | Music
4 Answers

Which Mp3 player is best? I want to buy one thats at least 512mb and can afford �60-�70? I dont want an i-pod - i dont really like then that much? Any ideas?



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checkout the "creative" collection of mp3 players.
I was going to say the same thing chris-n-vick, Mr Spudqueen got one earlier this year and things it's fantastic. It's got radio and recording facilities aswell.
Sorry, thinks not things!

Yeah, I'd go with a Creative MuVo. I got one of the new N200 models off Amazon a couple of months ago for about �80. Ultra slim, 512mb, radio and voice recording. Also supports WMA files, so you can get twice as many songs on at the same sound quality as mp3. And it isn't locked to shuffle mode like those bloody i-pods! The sound quality is outstanding, although it became even better when I plugged in my expensive headphones.

The only thing I can fault on it is the 'click' sound it sometimes makes during playback, and the fact it always starts on the same song. HOWEVER: I found a free firmware update on the Creative site which sorted all this.

So, to recap: BUY A MUVO!

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