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Thread of the season

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lankeela | 17:27 Thu 24th Dec 2009 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
NoMercy's names that sound Christmasy - best thread I have ever taken part in. Thanks folks, made my night.


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Have a lovely christmas lankeela x
Hi Lankeela... I was wetting myself at you guys last night. I always think it is the posters on the theads that make it what it is....

Did you not see this one?

NoMercy, that was the funniest thread ever.. loved it :o)
Sara... you had me in stitches last night with "Lorreindeer Kelly"

they are cracking threads. when you did the first one my sister was over from Oz. we actually carried on playing when we went out!
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Thanks, missed that one but came up with Bear Grills. Must be another idea in there somewhere.
Wouldn't be you by any chance, NoKnow?

Tbf.... "Cheesus Christ" was one of your best posts ever !

Sara... I remember to saying about your sister and how she thought we were all nuts... lol
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I think you were pretending that you had a life :o)
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Thread of the season

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