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Alarm clocks

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coccinelle | 14:09 Sun 20th Dec 2009 | Shopping & Style
8 Answers
Anybody know of a reasonable priced alarm clock (could be from Argos) which has an 8 minute snooze? On the Argos site they don't state how long the snooze is.


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if you have a mobile phone could you not use the alarm facility on that? my alarm snooze time can be changed to suit whateve time I want. just a thought & hope it helps
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thank you thelewisgang but I don't have a mobile but your suggestion might be worth a letter to Santa!
8 minutes?
You will not find one with an 8 minute snooze.
factor30 asks a fair question.

8 minutes?
8 minutes? You could accept the alarm clock which the one could be set-up by yourself? And the snooze function can by started when you select alarm. I suggest you can go to eBay, Best Buy , CircuitCity, there are a wide range of alarm clock to choose from, and the prices are reasonable. I have been purchased one, very great work. This link for your reference: Hope this suggestion can help you.
Or you could take some searching to find what you need If you still didn't get a reasonable answer. :)
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Hi all. Just got back from a Xmas break so sorry for not replying earlier. The one I have now is a 8 minute one and as I've got used to it I would like another the same, but Argos no longer do it. Will look into that supperwood.

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