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Housemate just told me to shut up

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karma22 | 23:38 Tue 29th Dec 2009 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
God sake people really pee me off!!

She's one of these people that calls you a b*tch and cow etc too - not seriously but I just don't think its very nice!


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why did she tell you to shut up? Were you banging on about stuff?
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No she was cooking an omelette and said to me 'I filp mine' cus she knows I don't flip mine, then well it all fell apart I pointed out that she hadn't actually flipped it and she told me to shutup. Ok sometimes I do say shutup in a jokey kinda way but her tone of voice really annoyed me.
You don't flip your omelette? How can she share the same space as you?
I agree with your housemate.......
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I cook one side in the pan then put the pan with omelette under the grill.
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Oh well I'll tell her next time
what do you do to cook your omelette ?
i used to do it that way dina was good but the grill i have the now is cr@p
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Thats what I do too Dina.

Think I'm just fed up with people who think they can walk all over me. Same at work with the two girls who are around the same age as me they are not very friendly
my grill has to be pre heated first to warm it up a bit, but the omelette is very tasty and doesn't get broken.
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I think being nice doesn't get you very far. No more miss nice girl.
Its not you exagerating things is it karma? You said yourself you're very moody lately. have you had that implant removed yet?

Aunty Jem.
Karma, people can only do to you what you've allowed them to do.
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pancakes are flipped......tell her she's stupid as it isn't easter
I agree tamb, Omellettes are folded...

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Housemate just told me to shut up

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