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john1066 | 16:34 Thu 31st Dec 2009 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
Does anybody want a Dundee cake, a dozen mince pies, numerous sausage rolls,a Christmas pudding, an un-opened tin of Quality Street, an un-opened large packet of mixed fruit and nuts and a jar of stuffed olives? If not could you tell me what to do with them...Please be gentle !! xx.


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Will they keep 'till next Xmas ?.......if not do a Stir Fry.....perish the thought. lol
Some of those can be thrown out to the birds if you really don't want them. With the weather in England as it is, the poor little birds could probably do with some food.
heat the mince pies and have with custard .
Freeze the sausage rolls if possible.
Xmas pud should keep for ages.
Send me the quality street and packet of mixed fruits and nuts.
And the Dundee Cake and stuffed olives........well I could suggest but then again....
NoM that is a good idea ! Yes be kind to our feathered Friends......
Slight tangent but I have a leftover already as I left my gammon joint in the oven to glaze and bleeding forgot about it -aarrgghh !!!
I'll gladly take the tin of Quality Street of your hand. All the best for the New Year! x
I can't do it here, Redman, because the bar studs sh*t all over my ballustrades !
I'll have the Dundee Cake -cos thats just up the road from me !!
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OK you lot....Send me an SAE...
Dris, My son is moving to the Dundee area next year. He's looking for a job at the moment and as soon as he gets somewhere they will relocate.
I will have the can keep the chocolates.

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