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Now please tell me it's safe..LOL

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Bobbisox | 19:37 Thu 31st Dec 2009 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
Am I safe to come back and say Happy New Year to all you without causing any offence?
I am,,,,..LOL
well, Happy New Year

Bobbi ♥♥♥


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Happy New Year Bobbi
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Hi Twatski x
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same to you Cherry pet
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it appears safe Bobbi but tread with caution.

Best of everything for the New Year everyone! xx
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doc,,,sorry pet, but I did have to leave earlier

thank you for the video, I loved it

Bobbi ♥
Question Author
I most certainly will society...I will vacate the premises as we speak..LOL
Safe for now Joy but not sure what it will be like later, after a few drinks. At least I can dance on the table if I want as I'm on my own for the night. Hapy New Year to you too. xx
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You too Jan pet, I won't hang around later just incase...LOL
you have a great time x

Bobbi x

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Now please tell me it's safe..LOL

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