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So it's another year gone.....

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Postdog | 21:53 Thu 31st Dec 2009 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
What are your memories from the past that just make you go nostalgic?

Some of mine. The smell of coal in the coal yard by the station.
Actually playing outside with mates.
Helping mum shell peas.
being able to buy bangers and blowing up milk bottles.
Getting a peice of privet and wrapping cobwebs around it.
Scoobie doos and those super bouncy balls Jimmy Saville used to promote.
getting scraps from the chippy.


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onions,toast & guinness,think that's what me Gran must've lived on!
Helping my Granny and Mum shell peas
Boiled eggs for Saturday tea
Egg and chips for Friday lunch
When our mam could afford a bag of coal .... us 7 young 'uns huddling round the fire, enjoying the warmth. No central heating or tax credits in those days.
collecting frosty spiders webs out of the hedge...........
Smell of seaweed and shells on the beach
Hot peas and vinegar
Crepe paper angels on the Christmas tree - six pastel colours
Helping Mum wind hanks of wool into balls - arms didn't half get tired
Making newspaper into firelighters
making rag rugs with gran
popping tar bubbles on hot days
etch a sketch
peas with wetfrom chippy (take your bowl)
making paper chains
making daisy chains
taking sugar water in bottles on a long walk

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So it's another year gone.....

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