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Another tread down the swanee

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caslass | 20:04 Fri 01st Jan 2010 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
Who said what to whom?


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what thread?
It was an imposter, Caslass.
well looks that way, although if lady *** was the magic word, it really ought to be changed to something less guessable
was that the NK thread? there's only one true NK.

praise the Lord for that ;o)
Oh, ***........I'm just putting my biker's moustache on too :0(
I think his game was ruined too early :)
I think it's safe to assume he'll be back, cazzz................:o(
yep, unfortunatly
I seem to find myself on a thread with lovely will be gentle with me, wont you? xx


( where's my smellies? )
-- answer removed --
you keep throwing yourself at us, yogi ;o)
well you are right to be nervous yogi, have you ever seen a group of women at the sales :)
Not throwing, sara........"tactfully placing" more like x :0)

Yes i have, cazzzy....first hand as went into town for a bit of shopping earlier........mad for it!.......all that grabbing and feeling and pulling..................ermmmmmmm...........

Right......who's first? x
''Right......who's first?''

That's killed it ;-p
I think it's time to say " Oh bugger", snagsy :0(

( maybe they've gone to powder their noses and bits, eh?........ok, maybe not......aaaawww poo! )
Yogi wants his for yogis wellies

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Another tread down the swanee

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