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Ooh freaky......

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Postdog | 22:14 Fri 01st Jan 2010 | ChatterBank
3 Answers
Just gone through a friend's friends, then their friends, and found he was a friend of Alan Titchmarsh. So I had a look through his friends and it's like a who's who. Did you know that Bruce Forsyth is on FB as Brucey Forsyth.

Seriously, it got me thinking, it must leave them open to messages and add me requests from all and sundry.

No point to this, I'm just thinking aloud.


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think on then Postdog. hope they accept you. :-)
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nag nag nag. I got distracted by that. Anyway, shower now, bed, then up at five for work. Night.

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Ooh freaky......

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