We are moving house and have an 18 year old cat who has never used a littfer tray. We have been advised to keep him in for at least a week to get used to his new surroundings Do you think he will use a litter tray quite readily it does worry us that maybe he will not cope.
Hi Auntiemoll - I have cats who go outisde all the time but when I have to keep them in (eg Bonfire night) they use a tray quite willingly. The trick is to put the tray near the door in the first instance so he gets the scent when he tries go outside for the toilet - but also the cats like privacy when in the tray so important to keep it in a place where he won't be interrupted. Vital to keep the tray clean as he may not use it ia second time if the litter is soiled. Good luck, I hope your old boy copes with the move. Friendly-smelling blankets and familiar bed places will help. You could try offering him a tray before you move, and see what his reaction is!
Thanks Boxtops, I will take on board the ideas you have given me. Both my husbank & i are a little worried about him,but as he is quite an old cat, he does seem to like his creature comforts and stays in a lot sleeping on the spare bed, he only seems to go out for a stroll around the garden to see to his toilet needs, especially in this inclement weather!!!