lil - stay strong in your resolve. You will be free of the chemical addiction in around 4-5 days. After that, its a pyschological fight against the craving.
1. Try a drink or a piece of fruit when the craving becomes too strong.( not crisps or junk food like me, which resulted in putting on quite a bit of weight which i am struggling to remove now! )
2. Find something to keep busy with - take your mind off wanting a cigarette.
Remember the positives.
1. If you are smoking the equivalent of half a pack or more daily, you will makes a huge financial saving over a year, possibly running into the thousands.
2. No more being treated like a pariah, or having to shiver in the cold outside, or not being able to enjoy a pub/restaurant environment.
3. Health benefits - The association between cancer and smoking is proven, as is the cardiovascular damage. Quitting immediately reduces your risks from these health threats.