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Which warrior are you?

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marval | 19:18 Sun 03rd Jan 2010 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
I wonder which one of these you are.

Just click on begin, then next warrior.


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Thicko ^^^
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Don't know... I couldn't click on the link ;-)
got the link up....take it we have to

Click on "begin" under falme warrior roster to start....
There's a few great ones there, marval.........some may notice a similarity :0)
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Sorry the link wouldn't work.

yogi-bear is right click on begin, then next warrior, to see what forum warrior you are.
I'm not a warrior.

I am a lovemaker, not a ball-breaker...
NoMercy is a great Warrior name though...
Nettiquette Nazi looks vaguely :0)
No that's not me it's dot..........

Furious Typer’s combat strategy is to drown her adversary in a tsunami of angry verbiage. She is absolutely immune to subtlty and ignores all but the barest essentials of any argument. After breifly appraising the gist of her opponent’s counter attack she puts her head down and rapidly fires off long rambling messages replete with grammitical and factual errors. The typical Furious Typer lacks endurance, however, and if the other combatants can weather the initial assault she will quickly exhaust herself and retire from the field.
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apparently i'm ....Royals...

"Whether through virtue, contributions, force of personality or sheer longevity certain forum participants will rise to form an aristocracy. While it is generally taboo to openly acknowledge the class distinctions, the hierarchy is well understood by all. While for the most part the Royals rule with magnanimity, they will not tolerate impertinence from the hoi polloi. It is their habit to remain aloof from petty squabbles among their subjects, but when full-scale war breaks out their intervention can be decisive"

Yes, I'll live with that one, thank you very much ;-)
Pmsl on :-)

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