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how to please a woman ...

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joggerjayne | 11:00 Mon 04th Jan 2010 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
(it says on my mug here)

Love her
Die for her
Take her to dinner
Miss the football for her
Buy her jewellery
Be interested in what she has to say

How to please a man ...

Show up naked
Bring beer


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So true
Pour Beer and Check Big Ben if it's ready to chime !!
Bring a picnic basket with some honey in it :0) x
How to please a man ...

Show up naked
Bring beer

What sort of man had one got in mind? That wouldn't do for me or my friend may end up naked, but showing up naked would be a turn off.

What is........."beer?"
my dad doesn't like beer, he drinks a few shandies a yera and that only when there's beer left over that he bought in for when ym brothers come round.
Basque and Stockings for Squad and me......Ciggies and Beer can turn up afterwards ! lol
Yep.......stockings and sussies will work too :0)
Be a good liar......
How to please a woman - Make her laugh!
Agree long as she's not laughing at your Fishing Tackle !! lol

How shallow do you we are

(don't answer that :))
Are you saying that is not right then Chuck?!
How to please a woman

Be well insured..

Die young..
Question Author
Good one Dekay... if you're not so keen on the guy.
Bit tough if you actually love him though.

My not-quite-yet-ex has kept up the joint life insurance.... so he has the potential to make me very happy :-)
You forgot about football !!!

If footie is on being naked won't help!
Salla, I have heard brake pipes are very fragile at this time of year :-)
-- answer removed --

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how to please a woman ...

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