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123everton | 11:07 Sun 03rd Jan 2010 | News
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So what do you think should be done about the Muslims?


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I agree largely with mustardmint, although the pagans and the druids (especially) were a pretty vicious bunch themselves, human sacrifice, animal sacrice with a bit bestiality thrown in.

Once again I've confused you with my post, because I've not made myself clear. A tiny minority of White males are football hooligans and child molesters. However, whenever you see a report about football violence or the latest child sex murder, it's always a White male between the ages of 18 and 45. My point is that you cannot brand all White men like this simply because they're White men.

The same is equally true about black men (knife-weilding muggers) or Asian men (terrorists).

Do you see my point now?

Not sure how else I can clarify it...
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I had a feeling the catholic school debate would be brought up by someone!

I went to a catholic school (in the west of scotland, albalass!) and some of my best friends were people from the local nondenominational.
The whole "what school did you go to?" thing is dead and gone in the majority of the country. I started uni this year and no one knew I'd went to a catholic school until it came up in conversation one night after knwoing everyone for 3 months.

Even though I went to a catholic school, I've chosen not to practice the religion but I can safely say that my school was better than both the other two non-denominational schools where I live because cahtolic schools promote the ethics and morals that the government want schools to anyway.
I hate when people who haven't been to a catholic school use the term 'brain-washed'. I've had people astounded by the fact that we didn't say prayers every day, some even beleieved we prayed at the start of every class. 90% of the time you couldn't tell it was a catholic school because you don't have religion pushed down your throat, it's the ethics and moralilty you learn that shouldn't just be held by religious people but by all of society.

If I were to make women who attend my club use a seperate entrance and dress diferently then I would be prosecuted under the sexual discrimination laws yet the muslims can freely do this at their places of worship or are the race discrimination laws more important than the sex ones? If I go into a garage or bank with a crash helmet on I will not be served unless I remove it, if I go in with a muslim head dress on showing just my eyes then they will kiss my elbow and welcome me with open arms. Its no wonder that people get upset by the special treatment they get when we are supposed to promote equality. omid djalili is a fantastic comedien and probably one of the funiest men on tv at the moment but what would happen if a white man did the same routine? he would be banned from tv and probably prosecuted, the female iranian comedien openly says that she can get away with it because she is beige!! again a fantastic comedien but this is not equality
If Westerners tried to march through a town or city in an Arabic country they would be arrested and locked up, so why should these so called British Muslims be allowed to march against the war in their country's,,in the streets of the UK?

If they feel that that strong about the war, why don't they go home and support their people there, we don't want them, they use our benefit system which they cant get anywhere else and do nothing for the good of the country that feeds them.
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I think it's unfair to specifically identify the intolerances of Islam against homosexuality for criticism, because ALL religions are pretty intolerant.

For instance, in the Bible:

`And a man who lieth with a male as one lieth with a woman; abomination both of them have done; they are certainly put to death; their blood [is] on them.

Leviticus 20:13

And that's not just a one-off...

The appearance of their faces witnessed against them, And their sin, as Sodom, they declared, They have not hidden! Wo to their soul, For they have done to themselves evil.

Isaiah 3:9

..who the righteous judgment of God having known — that those practising such things are worthy of death — not only do them, but also have delight with those practising them.

Romans 1:32

And with a male thou dost not lie as one lieth with a woman; abomination it [is].

Leviticus 18:22

The reason I chose my analogy, and I think it still fits, is because it's the question of lumping everyone together because of the actions of a few.

Another analogy which I believe would fit would be "So what do you think should be done about the Women?" based on the fact that there are a number of girls who go out every Friday, get bladdered and pee in the street, or "So what do you think should be done about the gays?" based on the fact that some gay men go around having unprotected unsafe sex.

And with regards to the moderate Muslims in this (and many other countries), they simply interpret the texts of the Koran in the same way the Christians interpret the Bible. Would you say that a Christian who doesn't believe in death to all homosexuals as not being a true believer?

No...because all religions are centuries old, and today people realise that you absolutely cannot live in the modern world adhering to the letter of the law in texts written thousands of years ago.

Why the link between Muslims and benefit scroungers?

From what I see, Muslims are more likely to be self-starters and business owners rather than dole scroungers. I've never understood that link...
Trouble is, there is an extreme group of muslims that I'm sure are in the minority who are in this country despite hating the west and openly rant about their hatred of our country and its people. These are the ones that everyone is against probably including the decent muslims living here! On the same note we have the BNP, an extreme group that hate anything that isn't white anglo saxon etc. Both sides are not a true representation of the race as a whole but all seem to get tared with the same brush. I think that firm action needs to be taken against both sides of extremists and the muslims that wish to live here are welcome to do so along with anyone else that embraces our basic culture, speaks our language and has something to offer the country. Why go and live somewhere you obviously hate?
There is an easy answer to all of this.

Simply proscribe all religious activity outside the home. Religion is not necessary, causes untold suffering and misery and is the root of just about every human conflict. Any other activity that causes so much trouble would be swiftly outlawed. Those wishing to practice it can do so in the comfort of their own living room with the curtains drawn. It would cause a bit of strife in the short term but would pay enormous dividends in the long term.

There – sorted!
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