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Best & worst...2009??

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carrust | 15:43 Wed 06th Jan 2010 | ChatterBank
34 Answers
What's the best thing that happened to you last year, & whats the worst?


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he did ummmmm, eventually after a long and nasty fight i got some back but he still owes me loads and the owrst is he comes in the pub and i have to serve him and watch him p!ssing away my money, i'm not exactly polite to him though.....
I'd slip something in his drink. What's that drug you give to horses? Failing that - put a triple dose of Bromide in here, along with laxatives.
i very nearly bought some liquid laxative the other day, then i thought better of it!
Ketemin (sp)

How did he manage that? Did you have a joint account?
errrr no and i am ashamed to admit it but i lent it to him and some he stole from a stash i have in the house
have i strolled into the wrong thread or are you all talking about summink else now ?
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Just had an e-mail from SQAD....

Best thing of last year....AN ERECTION....:-))))))))

Worst....It only lasted 5mins:-)))))))))))))))
lol carrust - best answer of this thread !!
Bless his little argyll socks.
lol, why didn't he post it himself?
i would hazrd that sqad could have shagged 3 of his mistresses in that 5 minutes though.

so not all bad ?
Sqad? Has two other mistresses?
the old blaggard - the traitor - the two timing lech.

I thought I was the only one....!
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Probably keeps the younger models in his garage salla:-)
Hello carrust!
best - change of job, well building! Worst - mum having a fall.
Best ... I met a guy in a Bar in Italy, and he's now my B/F

Worst ... nothing really, I had quite a decent year. The falling GBP meant I had to spend most of my Euro Account, and watching The Seagulls slide into the relegation zone was a bit traumatic, and I had a few bad nights in the Casino, but ... well, mustn't grumble.

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