> I would like to transfer VHS to DVD. I have rakes of hardware , but cannot do it.
Connect one Scart lead from your VHS player to your DVD recorder.
Connect another scart lead from your DVD recorder to your TV.
Now when you "play" a VHS tape the output will go into the DVD recorder.
However the DVD recorder needs to "see" what is coming in from the VHS player, so you need to change the TV channel on the DVD recorder to "see" the Scart lead connection. Scart lead connections on DVD recorders are called something like AV1, AV2 or EXT1 or EXT2
So change the DVD channel to AV1/AV2/EXT2/EXT2 (whatever works for your DVD recorder - see the DVD recorder documentation).
Once you have the right channel set on the DVD recorder the image from the VHS player should appear on the TV screen (going "through" the DVD recorder).
Once you know this connection is all working then put a blank DVD disk in the DVD recorder and press record (the TV channel on the DVD recorder still needs to be set to AV1/EXT1 or whatever).
The DVD recorder will now "record" whatever is coming "in" via the scart lead.
So if you are playing a VHS tape the DVD recorder will record that.