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No need to answer...But Goodnight all

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Bobbisox | 00:33 Thu 07th Jan 2010 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
Will see you again soon, I am cattled and need to rest my weary head


Bobbi x


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nite bobbi
Question Author
arrh Bless, g'nite beejay x
Goodnight Bobbi... I really need to move my ass. I was going to go, but then it got a bit more interesting on here.

Night hun. xx
aw bobbi -there was no need for you to answer
Night night Bobbi♥
night bobbi xx
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night bobbi

Have a good night and hope you sleep straight through until the morning. Night Bobbi x
Good night Bobbisox, sleep wel. the hand bags are going on in SAB but thought i'd wish you a good one,

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Bobbi dont go ...........................

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No need to answer...But Goodnight all

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