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joggerjayne | 15:45 Fri 08th Jan 2010 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
My waxing girl suddenly started chatting about cheeseburgers.

Britney Spears has a cheeseburger, it seems.

Apparently there are lots of photos on the Web of Britney with a cheeseburger.

Maybe that's why she's putting on weight.

I think I'll put the coffee machine on.


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Same, but with no cheese ?
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The hardy perenial is back.........
Perhaps we could decide, now, to discuss this on the 8th of every month, this year ?

I'm sure that we can leave it to you to raise the question on that date, Jayne ? If you are away jumping the bones of your boyfriend, is there anyone whom you wish to nominate to raise it in your stead ?
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I don't geddit- is this some sort of reference to something rude?
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i'm wondering if its a new waxing style or is this just co-incidental?
Jayne seems to have a fascination with the tonsorial arrangements that ladies have in their knickers, B00.
A vagina is sometimes called a cheeseburger? Since when?
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DoesTOFU burger fit in, I mean... mean something too?
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I've been put in my place.

I'll start a different thread.
oi JJ explain please googling britney spears cheeseburger hasn't helped clarify

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