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NoMercy | 23:42 Fri 08th Jan 2010 | ChatterBank
38 Answers
How much do you love your pets?


^^ This much?



^^ This much?


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its awful when your pet is sick. slinky - have you made any more jewellery ?
Love my old boy beyond words.
ehhh? pericat whats with the jewelry,i dont make it,i just make problems for everyone else,
maybe Im losing it but I could have sword you told me on a thread the other night that you got stuff for christmas - ah well !!!!
i got stuff for xmas but not jewelry,you been hitting the bottle tonight???
not the bottle just the liquid inside !
Think you mean this slinky, Peri! I mentioned making jewellery the other night. Yep really getting into it, gave a pair of earrings to my lads girlfriend for her birthday today, she was over the moon with them:-)
Oh no, two slinkies! I'm confused too.
thanks slinky - im not going mad. what kind of earrings were they ? What beads do you have ?
I'm the original and the best.......only joking Kate!
my god i thought i must be going senile,a while back someone put happy birthday thread on for slinky,and i got very confused againhow long have you been slinky,slinky?
Just had to check that Kate, been Slinky since I registered, and that was september 2007
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My Charlie sleeps on my bed, and I could feel he was cold last night so I slipped the duvet over him.He slept at the bottom of the bed and kept my feet warm. Lovely!
i love my murph i'd be lost without her, even id she is the most irritating cat ever!
This would have been our cat, Amber, in these weather conditions............

............and this was her, generally...........

and if you enjoy those, look here.........

Unfortunately, we lost her a few months ago and I <b>still</b> haven't stopped seeing her around the house yet...........:o(
Brian is in charge round here :-)
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Awww guys, glad I'm not the only one who is completely gaga when it comes to animals.

Ahms... fair point, they are not for everyone. But like you, I don't know what I would be capable of if I saw a thug hurting a defenceless little animal.

Alf was curled up in a tiny ball on the sofa last night to keep warm, so I put a blanket around him, and he didn't object one little bit.

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