Ive had a few hot chocolate toddys today lightly laced as im not a spirit lover but man they were tasy and my man flu is way more mageable.
I have Baileys -almost a full bottle in the fridge form NY but thats an end of the nighter.
I have wine again from NY but it makes me menkle (more than norm) so it cam lie ther so that leaves with Voddie (from NY0 kings we must have expected a party or the remains of the whisky and TBH im not sure if im in the mood to walk to the Do-Op to see what they have although the fresh air would do me good.O have beer and cider as well -all untouched -party at mine?
Bet you wished you hadnt asked now NoM -o BTW thats not to say I havent embibed since the NY just cant be bothered tonight -damn that Lentil Curry -once thats shifted I'll be fine lol
well NoMercy, i managed to stop my wife from drinking my very expensive single islay malts (it use to break my heart) with lemonade or coke and now she drinks it neat with ice, you should try it, but only with a single malt, not with the blended rubbish, teachers,bells ect., you will be suprised how good it tastes.
I swear down I did not typo like that I checked before i posted lol !!!
Someones taking the p!ss -seriously !!
Anyway -im off to the Co-op for a stroll so what zingy taste can you recomend.I dont want that clangy feeling in my mouth you know like when you have had thick liquid in it ;)
oooooo Brandy -now that would be nice -ta for that !!
I have malt as well Glenfiddoch -jings now I mention it its like a bleeding pub I have but again that or Glayva on the rocks -nothing else is my retire to bed drink.I have to or the malt would coup me if I had more than one lol !!
Not just the little tiny one either that usually does me a week and doesn't even get half way finished, I've got an opened two pint one in the fridge and another two pint on the shelf! I'm bloody disgusted frankly... It's no way to treat a perfectly good cup of coffee.