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joggerjayne | 00:00 Sun 10th Jan 2010 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
Off to bed, I think.

Just between you and me, Sean Connery has just dropped round, hoping for a bonk.

Well, one likes to help when one can.

Better go.


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Help the Aged JJ, do your duty, you've a lot of snow heading your way and so you'll need the warmth lol
Nice to see you are looking out for the elderly in this inclement weather. Happy bonking! ;)
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I was talking to him earkier ans that's what HE said!!.
is he looking for Olive
When you've finished with him can you send him my way please? I'm only down the road in Hastings.
night jj have a good night lol
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Cripes ... where did you all come from?

I just went to clean my teeth.

Night, guys ... mwah.

Lots of love ... Seagull x
He was just here with my wife, she likes the older gent !!!
J J,he popped in here a while ago, when he turns up will you remind him he left his toupee on my pillow (frightened the life out of me) Doh!
Night JJ. xx
Sean Connery, the greengrocer from the prom?
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