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BertiWooster | 21:22 Thu 07th Jan 2010 | News
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....clearing snow - nay, ice from my steps .

bbbbbbrrrrrrr - Global warming ?



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It's actually called Global Climate Change, and the clue is in the first two words:

"Global" That means the world as a whole, and not just one little island of the coast of Europe. Here in the Med, we are having our warmest winter for years.

"Climate" That means weather patterns over a long period (at least thirty years).

Personally (thanks to heathfield) I'm having my own doubts about GCC, but the fact the your little island happens to have some unusually cold weather for a few weeks, is evidence neither for nor against GCC.
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Global warming / climate change - call it what you will .

Incidentally ,the posting was with tongue firmly in cheek - clue was the Tut
Yeah my kids used to do things like that

Start fights, call each other names and then say "I was only kidding".

I think they got out of it when they were about 10

Get a few bags of cat litter and spread that instead. Apparently it works just as well as grit - and no more ice-scraping.

Just don't use it on your car windscreen though...that DOESN'T work.
Yes, well, they had to change the name from global warming to climate change because the global warming bit wasn't fooling anyone anymore!

It's funny how when we get some extremely cold weather that we're told it's irrelevant, you have to look at climate over a number of years. But it goes without saying that if we'd had a mild winter we'd have been told it was because of global warming (sorry, climate change). It happens every time we have a hot summer, or a flood or some mild weather in winter - it's down to global warming.

Apparently the earth has been cooling since 1998 (
but it doesn't make headlines does it? I'm afraid that 'global warming' is such a huge business now that businesses, politicians, and even countries can't have it disappearing because of the huge cash flow it generates.

Keep shoveling the snow and console yourself that this time next January you'll be sitting out in a deckchair basking in hot sunshine! I can't wait :)
as if!! if it is then why havent we had bad weather like this since 1979?
It's never happened before.....
Be careful 20!

We Climate Change sceptics (sorry, heretics) must tread very carefully when we make such remarks.

What you say is perfectly true. The couple of hot summers we had were, we were told, “clear evidence” that the climate is changing. Of course they were nothing of the sort, but were simply variations in weather patterns which the UK experiences.

So clear was this evidence that even respected gardening experts were telling gardeners to convert their gardens to accommodate cacti and other plants capable of withstanding arid conditions. The UK, they warned, was about to encounter desert-like conditions in the not-too-distant. I think I still have a copy of the Gardeners’ World episode where Monty Don (no less) created his “dry” garden to demonstrate what could be done. I wonder just how much Mr Don (whom I admire as a gardener) was leaned upon by his bosses to make such pronouncements. It is unfortunate that Monty’s premature departure saw the series relocate from Berryfields to a ploughed field somewhere near Birmingham. Its metamorphosis into a children’s programme meant we could not see how the “dry” garden coped with last summer’s near-record rainfall.

Now, when people attempt to put the Climate Change lobby in its place by mentioning the cold weather they are (quite rightly) told that such short term local variations are nothing to do with the climate. Myself, I can’t wait for the UK’s climate to change. It would save me a fortune on heating and holidays to the tropics to escape the cold.

(Cue jake to come in and tell me how selfish and foolish I am. How the sea is going to swamp 80% of the mainland, how the winters will be long and cold, the summers dry and hot, and how Bangladesh and the Maldives will cease to exist by 2020. And why changing my lightbulbs will prevent all of these catastrophes!).
It said it all to me when a climate expert from the weather centre said he could not predict into the near future beyond about 5 days but is able to go back centuries to predict future trends. In fact a colour coded weather map produced a few months ago showed we should be experiencing mild tropical weather now.

Its all bunkum and it proved that the the £millions spent on these fast computers at Bracknell are a waste of money and time.

So they change track, we should no longer try to calculate the forecast the future with the normal means but instead use probabilities to do so. So just like tossing a coin and getting it right 50% of the time we can do the same with weather forecasting. Give us a break!
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Dear o Dear Jake - you do get rattled when opposite views to yours on this subject , are aired - dont you .
And yes it was tongue in cheek - Listening to the advocates for and against Global Climate Change
( there -happy rojash ? ) I dont at the moment agree with one side or the other .

Berti - please
Thanks for the tip .
sp1814 - what happens when the thaw comes and you find all your neighbours cats' using you driveway?
What's funny about this thread is that, even though there was not a single post claiming climate change to be a fact, it still filled up with irate people arguing against it.

But what was really, really funny was NJ's post. He lives in a world where the chairman of the BBC is a member of the illuminati, and has a secret agenda which involves forcing innocent gardeners to persuade the rest of the world to believe.
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infundibulum, and birdie1971, you seem to have missed my point entirely.

What I found funny was that the replies were all phrased as though they were in response to a claim that GCC was real - but there was no such claim.

birdie even goes on to say "Rojash – You clearly believe that AGW is real." .

How exactly do you draw that conclusion from "is evidence neither for nor against GCC". or "I'm having my own doubts".
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