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ive found a cool website

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benny3008 | 22:54 Mon 11th Jan 2010 | ChatterBank
35 Answers
It tells you how to do all those symbols on comp keyboard...i.e ¿ ½ etc.....


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ok thanx bobbi, Its good to know that it can be treated, makes me alot less worried, Im just glad its not something much worse and im thankful hes ok.
it's nice to see you've made new friends on here benny......
oh of them has disappeared.........
-- answer removed --
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Which one dissappeared??
it dont work for me i type in the code 0161 and all i get is 0161 :( :(

fluff it what am i doing wong ?
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Are u talkin about Estefan (or whatever his name may be)???
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you have to hold down alt at the same time, are you doin that???
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oh and you have to use the num pad on the left side of keyboard, if u are using a laptop which doesent have num pad, you should have FN Button and little blue numbers on some keys, hold down FN and alt and use blue numbers.
gawd benny i cant remember all that jargon its a degree in its self .

i fink i`ll give it amiss
Hold down ALT at the same time you punch in the number on number pad on right hadside of keyboard ¿
question on this subject

Bobbi - how do you get that heart at the end of your sig???
DUH Bobbi forget it

Just ooked at the site ALT+3 ♥
night night ♥

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ive found a cool website

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