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joggerjayne | 13:23 Tue 12th Jan 2010 | ChatterBank
24 Answers
On the way back from the office

(okay, okay ... Costa Coffee)

... I just picked up The Guardian, and this week’s LOOK magazine.

Pages 8-11 in LOOK ...

"Angelina Jolie: I Can't Stop Bedding Women!"

I am saying NOTHING ... !!


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Be still my beating heart..........
AJ is the oly woman I'd climb over Mrs JtH to get at..............
Just the thought of her and my typing turns to rubbish........:o)
I am not remotely attracted to women in any way shape or form, I obviously need to get out more
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"in any way shape or form" is an odd phrase, isn't it ?

"in any way" clearly indicates that the phrase refers to the transitive verb

(in this case "to be attracted to")

... rather than the object

(in this case "women").

But that raises the question, if one is not attracted "in any shape" ...

... how does "attraction" assume a shape ?


Puzzled of E. Sussex

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