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dishes ... soak or scrub

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joggerjayne | 10:25 Wed 13th Jan 2010 | ChatterBank
28 Answers
So you've cooked something, and it's all stuck to the bottom of the dish.

Do you leave it to soak? or scrub it clean?

I have to confess ... I'm a bit of a soaker.

I say:- if you soak it, so it comes off easily, you don't harm the surface of the dish.

Possible alternative reality:- if I leave it to soak, Olive will finish it off when she comes in.

What do you do?


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So do BOO's cakes look like fanny's ?
not but she does get an exceedingly good filling from mr kipling.
Dogs do their bit and then soak until it goes into dishwasher.

This is just the sort of question Sqad scorns and yet is the first to answer!!
Err hello? When you've all finished talking about me...I'm still here you know!

"i think 'cake' in this example, is a euphemism" it aint!
so you are sharing cake with vibes, and the other stuff he was telling me about ???

me = truly shocked
Don't be soft, I share nowt!
-- answer removed --
soak.... and hope that in the meantime my daughter will finish the job off. She rarely does.. unless it's a Monday. Which comes in handy after the sunday roast. :-)

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dishes ... soak or scrub

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