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American Idol

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NoMercy | 21:16 Wed 13th Jan 2010 | ChatterBank
53 Answers
Victoria Beckham on the judging panel. Jeez... she looks like something from another galaxy...

Why does she always pull such stupid faces? And w t f is her faces 26 shades darker than the rest of her? Christ Almighty.


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Just tuned in to American Idol, I always enjoy this show and Sky+ it to watch later, shocked and disappointed to see Victoria Beckham on the judging panel, all false and bandaged up, she has no personality and I am surprised Simon Cowell has recruited her on the panel, I suppose it is in keeping with the other Spice girls, Emma on Dancing on Ice, Apparently Mel B for X Factor where we will we put Mel C! and Gerri!
Yes, I agree craft - that's why I said 'it has to come from within' & I think she finds that hard to do.

I'm off to watch tv now, nite,nite all.
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Mary.... Mel B is going to be on X Factor? Please tell me that's a wind up....
so NoM......what's wrong with Mel B?
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The voice, Craft.

I quite like Emma Bunton. She's really natural. you don't like a Yorkshire accent?
No Mercy! I have read that Mel B is lined up as a judge on X Factor to take over from Danni Minogue. Apparently Mel B and Louis Walsh are good friends and he wants her as a judge, like you I can't believe it, that harsh coarse voice and false laugh. Have to watch with subtitles !!!
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I don't remember saying anything about a Yorkshire accent. I just don't like Mel B's loud brassyness.

And just for the record... I quite like a Yorkshire accent.
harsh coarse voice..............mmm nice...........speaks quite normally for a Yorkshire lass I would say..........
Thanks NM - just saw her with her hair down - much, much better. As I say, I think she's quite attractive & has good bone stucture. She also has a nice smile, when relaxes enough to do so.

I'm off to watch some 'proper' telly!
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Thanks for that, Mary T.

Smudge... Happy viewing !!

I think I'll sign out myself too, lest I unwittingly cause any further upset.
don't be a silly bugger haven't upset me and I hope I haven't upset's debate :-)
Mel B was on that life swap programme and she has definately got the type of personality that suits X Factor, she's not shy to speal up, she can do genuine and she dresses really well in a posh chav sort of way, Danni's so false and plastic, it will be refreshing.
Anyway, back to idol, good on victoria for telling simon off for being rude.

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