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only 29 days to go until

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joggerjayne | 18:45 Thu 14th Jan 2010 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
... there will only be 146 days ...

... to Doc's 65th birthday.


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Did you just stub your toe, or touch something hot, or something, Yogi ?
Can you work out how many days it'll be until I eat a spam fritter?
Sorry....had a fish in my throat.............Arsenal.....there you go :0) xx
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China ... I don't know how to do an "infinity" sign on my keyboard.
So .............
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China is having spam fritters Friday week ?
spam....who said spam?.....i love spam :0)
No. The sign of inifinity I think (well that's what I was told, maybe it's the other way round).
It needs to be on it's side:

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Oh, I see, China.

I think it should be on it's side, LOL
Whoopsie! :c)
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Chuck ...

... knows everything

... can do anything

... always comes up with the solution

... is undoubtedly the person upon whom P G Wodehouse based the character of Jeeves
I can buttle with the best of them :)
Chuck, can you make that symbol a little smaller...

I know, it's a crap size, but that's the size it comes out if you type it

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only 29 days to go until

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