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What do you think the world would be like without music?

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hollie1586 | 00:25 Fri 15th Jan 2010 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
pretty damn dull i'd say!


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Yes, very dull.
all together now
.....SO -I -SAYYYY:
A world without music would be like a life without oxygen.
I must have SOME music every day,or I wilt and fail.
My biggest personal dread is that I will lose my hearing...
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My biggest personal dread is that tw@tface will stay.
My biggest personal dread is that I will have to LISTEN to a Westlife album!
Life would be very very dull, and i'll be out of a job :0(
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I would just sing and make my own vibes said, it's within us.
Music really is my biggest pleasure in life (next to my family of course). I would rather lose my sight than my hearing. I honestly believe that beat and rhythm is a basic human instinct.
I am a music lover also, and believe music is within us - no-one could stop us making our own music.
But I could not ever ever stand to lose my sight - that is my greatest fear and the one sense I could not bear to lose.
I too would be devasted of course to lose my sight, but if given the option it would have to be lost sight rather than lost hearing. I have been on this earth long enough to imagine and have memorise sights, but I can't imagine not being able to listen to music.
If I sung and made my own music I think it would turn me off music forever (and anybody else in the vicinity!!)
Music Is the heartbeat of all human existence.
It covers, Involves and is fuel for every kind of human emotion.
Music comes from the soul, without it we'd just be souless zombies.
Some people In this world have been caged and Imprisoned, but they can never lock up your imagination and the music thats In your heart.
Do whales have music ?
Yes - Catatonia, Super Furry Animals, Tom Jones LOL

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