daily express monday big in The AnswerBank: Quizzes & Puzzles
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daily express monday big

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wallykins | 12:50 Mon 18th Jan 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
6 Answers
of mental images having unusual vividness and detail
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Number of letters plus any that you have please
How many letters and have you got any ?
itemized, particularized, abundant, accurate, all-inclusive, amplified, at length, blow-by-blow, circumstantial, circumstantiated, clocklike, complete, complicated, comprehensive, copious, definite, described, developed, disclosed, elaborate, elaborated, enumerated, exact, exhausting, exhaustive, full, individual, individualized, intricate, meticulous, minute, narrow, nice, point-by-point, precise, seriatim, specific, specified, thorough
intense, powerful, active, animated, bright, brilliant, clear, colorful, definite, distinct, dramatic, dynamic, eloquent, energetic, expressive, flamboyant, gay, glowing, graphic, highly colored, lifelike, lively, lucid, meaningful, memorable, picturesque, realistic, resplendent, rich, sharp, shining, spirited, stirring, striking, strong, telling, theatrical, true-to-life, vigorous

Grasscarp is right. Length of answer + letters would help others help you.
Eidetic is correct.

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daily express monday big

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