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Faaaaakin 'Ell

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joggerjayne | 21:46 Thu 21st Jan 2010 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
Just been for drink with smoker pal again, so stood outside for an hour or two.

I'm effing bleedin' frozen.

Having a bit of cjickrn, and then ... I need to get warm ... somehow !


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hmmm JJ the cold appears to have affected your power of speech or fingers...whats a cjickrn?
Question Author
Oh, cripes, sorry ... freezy fingers !

It's "chicken"
lol, enjoy you're chicken and then stick your hands under your bum that'll warm you up!
oh For Funks Sake it's catching! enjoy YOUR chicken...not you're that just doesn't make sense..unless you ARE chicken!
Question Author
Mighrt look a bit silly though.
You need to inform you friend that there are certain smoling etiquette rules. You don't make a non-smoker sit outside, you both go inside and if you really can't go an hour or so without one then you go out, smoke quickly and return to the warm while the non-smoker holds on to your table. It's just not on otherwise... It's way too cold for all that nonsense!
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Oh. Ok, China.
stick with her/him JJ, they are bloody nasty when trying to pack
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She's not trying to pack it in.
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Howdee, Doc ... x
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arh well thats ok then, she'll be fine lol
you have to be a bezzie mate to stand out in the cold tho' lol
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... or stand in the naughty smokers garden with your friend, he he x
I know I've done it he-he
must be bonkers !
hey jj ill warm you
it took and hour or two to smoke a fag? is your mate a chain smoker?
Question Author
Bezzie mate ... no, but still a good pal.

Chain smoker ... yep.

Got to warm up from time to time by volunteering to go in to fetch each round of drinks.

Warm now. sitting in bed.

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Faaaaakin 'Ell

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