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what did you excell at.....

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stokemaveric | 22:36 Thu 21st Jan 2010 | ChatterBank
40 Answers
at school??? i was good at all sporty things football,rugby,cricket,...but at maths i was rubbish i thought algebrae was a sea creature lol...and what was your teacher like???? mie was a real fact i could sue the education authority for child


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my french teacher Miss P was very old-fashioned and wasn't until I'd left school I realised her partner was actually Miss D the maths teacher......I quite warmed to her after that but in the 60's it was considered 'unusual'......
I had an English teacher who would make you stand at the front of the class if you were caught messing about, draw a circle on your @rse in chalk, draw a cross in chalk on on a metre long ruler and repeatedly hit you on the backside until he got the 'x' into the 'o'... good old Comprehensives eh...
Flippin 'ell, Snags... how old are you?

That caper was outlawed by the time I went to school...
lol my biology teacher used to perch/lean one leg on the table and if that sight was not bad enough he used to keep stroking his thigh whilst he was talking.
lol snags....I went to an all girls grammar and half the staff were loony tunes.
The biology teacher told us we had to use sanitary towels 'cos we'd lose our virginity by using tampons.............
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what did she teach doc?
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Hi stoke.

When it came to lessons it was French only (Hated the school and the teachers in equal measure). I was great at Badminton and Table Tennis. I'd have been an A student at Football if they'd let me. I was passable in Home Economics too. Nothing else about the whole experience inspired me.

Teachers? Maths teacher thought I was a waste of space and wouldn't help me - Algebra was my Achilles heel as well. English teacher made me write my name on the board (In front of the whole class) with my right hand because my handwriting isn't the best. I do hold a pen in my left hand. We got a second male PE teacher and he was a total bell-end.
I had a science teacher who considered me 'bright but distracting for other pupils' ... She told my mum that in order to curb my disruptive influence she was going to sit me next to a harder worker who would influence me to be a better pupil. Mum agreed to this so I ended up sitting next to the teacher for the rest of the year....
Do you still play Table Tennis Judge.....I played local league until I was about 50....
china, lol!
The only time I pick up a Table Tennis bat now crafty is when I'm putting out delivery in the sports shop I work in :-|
My favourite teacher Mrs S committed suicide a few years after I'd left........she apparently found out that her husband was shagging the art teacher........
i remember my first science lesson , not in the room 20 minutes and ended up being moved from the back table to the front table.
4 of us trying to burn a hole in the table with sulphuric acid when that did not work we tried to see if it would burn our fingers off.
he was very careful what he let us use for the next 6 months
Judge I started playing veterans table tennis when I was about 42......went to my first tournament and nearly wet myself laughing......I've never seen so many people in one place wearing so many surgical bandages.......
I excelled at English - I used to love to write (what a surprise....). Was pretty good at Art & Human Biology.
However - absolutely crap at Maths. I blame my subsequent Bankruptcy on that fact... It was Mr Swindale's fault for making maths boring... :-)
getting detention
hi stokie- was no good at sums either
my english wasnt two great as well also-
- i was allowed to pick the crisp bags from the playground a lot of times tho

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