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Oops! I forgot to say 'Goodnight' to NoMercy. Sorry!
I drank that pig's blood as part of an initiation test, at the age of 16, when doing a holiday job at a pork pie factory. I've since heard of a case where a schoolboy died after his friends substituted real (animal's) blood for the fake stuff during a school play. So drinking it probably isn't a very good idea!!! (These days I'll stick to consuming it in black pudding!).
I can barely swim. Certain people who've been on the A14 or A12 today might consider that I can't drive. When I was about 7 or 8 I could knit, but I've forgotten how to now. I can sew a button on, and manage a basic blanket stitch, but that's about all. Cooking, however, is something which I'm good at. (I rarely use recipe books. I just use my instincts and see what turns out).