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teddysbears | 11:35 Sat 23rd Jan 2010 | Law
11 Answers
Can anyone tell me if my landlord should put extractor fans' in the kitchen and bathroom to stop mold growing on walls,because he said it would not solve the problem. How do I stand on this can i demand he puts them in. Any help thank you.


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Difficult to give a one size fits all answer. It depends on the type of property, your contract with your landlord, and your household management. As a starter for consideration, are you ventilating the spaces properly by opening windows and maintaining background heat? This can go a long way to solving the problem.
Question Author
It is an old building, heated only by one electric fire in the living room, ktichen , bathroom and bedrooms have no heating. Windows are open when weather permits, but are open when cooking in kitchen. Bathroom windows open them bath is being filled, but has to be closed when in bath,because it is under the window. we have had the Garden done as landlord wanted when we took house on, he said he would see to inside, but has only put a new door on two weeks ago, and we have had too keep on at him for over a year to get this done. It worries me as we are having a baby in April. I am afraid it could make baby ill. any help or people to get in touch with for advice would be a great help .thank you
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lol, pussy. Ex-tractor fans,
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thank you so much.
Have you spoken to your local Citizens Advice Bureau ?
Question Author
thank you canary 42 , will do that on Monday, thanks again for your help!
you can always buy a dehumidifier. i did and it works wonders. x
your local council should have a Housing Standards department. they can visit the property to determine whats wrong, enforce action on the landlord if needed, or if its too bad for you to live there, should be assisting in arranging alternative accommodation.
Question Author
thank you for all your help.

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