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Bobbis sprung back and is a happy bunny again

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Bobbisox | 13:20 Thu 24th Dec 2009 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
Decided to go out to the pub later...and party !!!
You were all there when I needed you most...
so, thank you

Bobbi ♥♥♥♥♥♥


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same to you x
Anytime bobbi! You deserve to go and have a great evening
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i wasn't any where near the pub, but your thanx are welcome
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Oh I will rinks...LOL
get drunk and call them I say..

Come Fly with me, Let's fly lets fly away
Bobbi ! Just got in and noticed your Holiday Post......what a bummer for you and your friends to receive that kind of info at the Airport !
Glad you are feeling positive about the whole thing, but it is still a let down isn't it !
Look at it this way Bobbi.......maybe you were not meant to go in the first place, and you will enjoy yourself more in the company of your Friends and Family at Home !
Get pi**ed, eat your heart out and have a Xmas Legover !!
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lol@red, I have just unpacked, didn't think it would be in my own home mind you

"happy bunny"? I'll soon put a stop to that yes a spell in the army was it?
LOL only joking, 'agree to disagree' and all that -cracking open a tinny now...pfffffffffT !
Your good health.

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Bobbis sprung back and is a happy bunny again

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