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Good Morning Early Birds!

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dizmouk2009 | 05:27 Mon 25th Jan 2010 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
Morning all. Weather East Midlands: Cold start to the day, not frost but no rain either. Wrap up warm if you're thinking about going out early, it's extremely chilly out.


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Good morning :-)

I'm still half asleep....
Hi diz.....hows it going for you; well I hope. Wot will I do today - someone will tell me ;)
c'mon gotta reply when you do morning threads - learn from the pro, wmb
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I'm not replying because this isn't the 'official' thread, I posted at the same time (seconds after) WBM, was a mistake that's all. I do usually reply quickly but I've got a lot on my plate atm, I'll speak to ya'll laters, have an amazing week!
diz, what i meant was, it causes confusion if you use the same thread title. You are entitled to post the same as everyone else. But it makes it easier if you choose a different thread title. So come on, let's have some of your cheerful replies!

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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